All posts by jasu
Google Sheets Vlookup array
I was about to go nuts trying to figure out why I couldn’t enter an array for a VLOOKUP in Google Sheets. Quite a bit of Googling later it turns out that there’s BACKSLASH to separate arrays into columns – but only if you’re using a locale which uses a comma as number separator (instead of dot in the US/UK) and semi-colon for separating function values.
Thanks to

Google Sheets – lookup a date and return the weekday (as text, not as an integer).=VLOOKUP(WEEKDAY(A1;2);{1\"Mon";2\"Tue";3\"Wed";4\"Thu";5\"Fri";6\"Sat";7\"Sun"};2;0)
Dishonored 2 intro skip
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Drupal forms api problems
Spent the morning banging my head against my desk due to Drupal 7’s Forms API. I was trying to convert a regular POST-form to GET without any success, until I found this useful article
Drupal 7 Forms API reference: